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Boost Converter

Boost Converters are circuits that increase the voltage from a low voltage to a much higher voltage. This module is useful to increase voltages within the circuit. In this experiment, I'll be using the boost converter module, which consists of the MT3608 Boost converter IC, to bright the red LED. The voltage will be from 1.8 Volt as an input, and 5 Volt as the output.  


Figure 1: Boost Converter Module

The Schematic

Figure 2 shows the schematic of the circuit itself. The input voltage will come from the lab bench power supply, which was set at around 1.8 Volts. The boost converter module will then increase the voltage up to 5 Volts, which will then light up the LED through the current limiting resistor. 

Screenshot 2023-06-26 190629.png

Figure 2: The Schematic


Figure 3 shows the performance of the circuit, in which the LED managed to lit up. This means that the boost converter module was able to convert from 1.8 Volts (from the input) to 5 Volts (from the output). 

Figure 3: How the circuit behaves 

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